
18 September 2024

Coolest named Pokemon Moves

That's right. After 15 years we're finally on to the good stuff! I don't even know what these all do, but dammit, these are COOL move names:

#10: Sandsear Storm

This is the signature move of Landorus, I think of this and Scorching Sands a lot, which is the more generic version. My big thing is to really sink into a movie I can picture. And this one tells so much of a story, like hot desert sand cooked in the sun all day and then whipped up into a magnificent blast. It's a lot of fun.

#9: Moongeist Beam

This is a Lunala move, and I can't really tell what a Moongeist is, it sounds like some wind from the moon or something, and beam implies some kind of energy. It is a Ghost type, so some kind of dark, haunted night beam or something? That's wild, man.

#8: Glaive Rush

Glaive Rush comes from Baxcaliber, and is all relatively new. Baxcaliber is like an icy Godzilla, and again, you can just picture the glaives on his back thrusting into something with speed and precision. It's a dragon type move, although you got to think some ice is involved with this guy.

#7: Fishious Rend

Not only does this do monsterous damage, but it's one of not that many clever puns for moves here. It's used by fossil fish pokemon Dracovish and Arctovish. When you see these things you can picture their rending in huge fish jaws, how they must tear the other beasts apart with their unyielding maw. Fishious indeed. It works as a pun and as a description of like, of being like fishy.

#6: Behemoth Blade

This belongs to Zacian, and really feels unstoppable. The alliteration is on point and it flows off the tongue really well. It feels difficult to dodge and imposing.

#5: Fusion Bolt

This comes from Zekrom, and again, the name implies what the move does. I picture it being such a hot burst of electricity that it fuses together whatever it hits. Or perhaps the origin comes from a nuclear or hitherto unknown fusion process itself? Bolt implies a sudden, thick strike. This has everything going for it.

#4: Parabolic Charge

I didn't plan it this way but every other move on this list is a signature move, often from legendary pokemon. Parabolic Charge is associated with Helioptile, but other things can learn it. It again feels so descriptive and technical, scientifically befitting of the electric type. I picture Helioptile being the energy source and then an arc of lightning connecting it to whatever its victim is. Not the damage of a Fusion Bolt, but that's why it's named well. It's a minor attack.

#3: Spacial Rend

I think these last couple are mirrors of the same concept, this comes from Palkia and I just picture like, a hole torn through the space around us, it's that powerful. It seems to exist outside of reality and implies awesome power.

#2: Roar of Time

Dialga does this one, like a dragon roaring so loud it punches a hole in time itself. Do you move forward? Backwards? I don't know, but I think it just hurts. Like chronal-powered energy to disintegrate whatever is in its way. Everything fades and diminishes. Ye who remain shall wear earmuffs.

#1: Precipice Blades

Dude I've just been thinking about Precipice Blades a lot. It is by far my favorite move name. It's ground type from Groudon, and you can picture like, giant stalactites falling, or a cliff crumbling, and Groudon's so huge you know it was big and it was his fault. But the blades part, there's some edge, some danger, already implied from being on the precipice. And it's plural! So just this unending onslaught of razor sharp huge rocks falling on you. It's intimidating.

The cadence works, too. Three syllables, then one, both with Latin roots. Precipice sounds fancy and elite, and then Blade comes down hard with the short and sharp juxtaposition. It's great. I really like this move name and that's why I wrote this article.

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